Micro JavaScript Framework

The UI for HomeDing devices is implementation by using a small and specialized clients side framework fousing on a small implementation footprint to make it usable in embedded devices.

Using Templates

this is describe in the Micro Templates page.

Micro-Behavior implementations for Elements

The generic behavior implementation includes already the basic functionality that is required by almost every control.

More advanced controls like the one for the timer displaying the current status as a bar can be implemented by enhancing this generic implementation.

The control implementations can register to new data arriving and can implement handlers that are attached to the classic JavaScript events.

The generic behavior implementation uses the following properties on HTML elements to bind data to the elements:

u-value=‘ Using this attribute on a HTML element causes that the data from the specified property will be put into the value of the HTML element.

u-bool as classname This attribute on a HTML element can be used to visualize boolean (0/1) values. A HTML element with this classname and a value 1 will get a green color assigned where a value 0 will assign a red value.

u-active=‘ Using this property the class name of the HTML element will be set to active when the specified property has a true value.

u-text=‘ Using this attribute on a HTML element causes that the data from the specified property will be put into the text of the HTML element.

Dialogs with Forms

Some functionality in the UI is using dialogs and sequences of dialogs by using html >dialog< and >form< elements.

A Dialog implemented by specifying the class dialogform on the element will include some useful functionality for using forms in dialogs:

<dialog id="action" u-is="dialogform">
  <div class="u-close" u-action="close"></div>

  <form method="dialog">
    <div class="form-grid">
      <label>Target:</label><select name="target">
        <option disabled selected hidden>Select target...</option>
        <option value="switch/0">switch/0</option>
        <option value="timer/0">timer/0</option>
      <select name="event">
        <option value="in">in</option>
        <option value="out">out</option>
      <label>Sound:</label><input name="sound"/>
      <label>Volume:</label><input name="volume" type="range" min="0" max="15" />
    <div><button u-action="return" style="float:right">Save</button></div>

Open Dialogs

To open a dialog the DialogFormClass provides the method openModalForm.

The name

The data A object with known input values Extra attributes may given and they are returned unchanged in the result data object

The fCallBack and a callback function for dialog results can be given as parameters:

DialogFormClass.openModalForm('action', {
  target: "switch/0",
  sound: "bell",
  extra: "notused"
}, function (data) {
  // result of action dialog 
  alert("Dialog result=\n"
  + JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2));

Chaining Dialogs

Nesting Dialogs


Using DialogFormClass.openModalForm()

see DialogFormClass implementation in src\DialogForm.ts.

