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CORE-ESP32C3 development board

The CORE-ESP32 core board is based on Espressif ESP32-C3 SoC that fits good on a breadboard and has the option for a LCD + digital joystick shield on top. The ESP32-C3 variant is supported by the HomeDing library.

core-esp32c3 board

The CORE-ESP32 core board is based on Espressif ESP32-C3 SoC.

The CORE-ESP32 board is labeled with luatos.com

Arduino Board Configuration

There are 2 main board variants that differ in the implementation of the USB port.

The ESP32C3 Dev Module (esp32) can be used with the following settings:

Main Board components

The following components are already on-board:

The SPI bus is available and also used by the LCD display.

The I2C bus is mentioned in the manual but not labeled on board:

Board configuration

The following env.json configuration can be used for this board:

  "device": {
    "0": {
      "name": "corec3",
      "title": "CORE-ESP32C3",
      "description": "ESP32-C3 based dev board.",
      "button": "9",
      "led": "12",
      "i2c-scl": "5",
      "i2c-sda": "4"
  "digitalout": {
    "ledD4": { "pin": "12" },
    "ledD5": { "pin": "13" }

LCD + Digital Joystick Shield

There is a TFT display and a digital joystick shield available that can be stacked upon the CPU board.

It offers a 0.96 inch display with 80*160 pixels and 262K Color based on the ST7735S driver chip. The background lightning is not adjustable and always on.

The Boot and Reset buttons are not reachable any more after mounting this board.

core-esp32c3 shield

key GPIO pin
down GPIO13
left GPIO5
up GPIO8
right GPIO9
press GPIO4

The down key conflicts with the on-board LED that must not used as digital output when the shield is used.

Shield configuration

The following configuration can be used for the Shield:

  "DisplayST7735": {
    "0": {
      "description": "Display",
      "loglevel": 2,
      "width": "80",
      "height": "160",
      "colOffset": 26,
      "rowOffset": 1,

      "busmode": "spi",
      "spiClk": 2,
      "spiMosi": 3,
      "resetPin": 10,
      "spiDC": 6,
      "spiCS": 7,
      "rotation": 270
  "digitalin": {
    "right": { "pin":  "9", "invert": "1", "pullup": 1 },
    "up":    { "pin":  "8", "invert": "1", "pullup": 1 },
    "left":  { "pin":  "5", "invert": "1", "pullup": 1 },
    "down":  { "pin": "13", "invert": "1", "pullup": 1 },
    "press": { "pin":  "4", "invert": "1", "pullup": 1 }


core-esp32c3 board with pins core-esp32c3 on breadboard

See also

