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These pages contain information that relates to the boards with the ESP8266 or ESP32 processor.

2 channel relay -- This board can switch 2 relay outputs using a ESP-01 board.

About using the ESP32 with HomeDing -- Links, material and tips for using ESP32 based boards with the HomeDing library.

Ai-Thinker ESP32 Audio Kit -- This is an ESP32 based board using the ESP-WROVER-B module supporting audio processing.

Arduino Nano ESP32 -- This board is an official Arduino board with the ESP32-S3 chip

Board C3 Mini -- This is D1 mini compatible board based on the EPS32-C3 MCU.

Board C3 pico -- The C3 pico is a board compatible to the D1 Mini boards and shields using a ESP32-C3 processor and equipped with some special features like a RGB LED, I2C Port and LiPo charging.

Board D1 Mini ESP32 --

Board ESP32-C3 ESP-01 -- The ESP32-C3 processor is now also available in a ESP01 form factor board including 4MByte flash and an external antenna connector.

Board ESP8266 ESP-01 --

Board Review ESP8266 with OLED -- This WeMos labeled board has a OLED display using the SSD1306 chip on a ESP-12E module based ESP8266 board.

Boards and Processor modules -- The HomeDing library can be used with Boards and Processor modules using the the ESP8266 and ESP32 chips from Espressif. In this overview some boards and devices can be found that are supported by the HomeDing library.

Bulb Devices --

D1 Mini Boards (ESP8266 and ESP32) -- There are many different mini boards available with differend ESP processors that share the same form factor and connector pin assignments.

D1 Mini SD Card shield -- The SD Card shield for the D1 Mini sized boards using 1wire SPI for data transfer.

-- This board uses a ESP32 processor ...

CORE-ESP32C3 development board -- The CORE-ESP32 core board is based on Espressif ESP32-C3 SoC that fits good on a breadboard and has the option for a LCD + digital joystick shield on top. The ESP32-C3 variant is supported by the HomeDing library.

ESP-01board with DHT22 --

ESP32 Azure IoT Kit -- This is a ESP32 based board based on ESP-WROVER-B module designed by Microsoft as a reference IoT Kit Azure. It is no more supported.

ESP32 Boards -- There are several boards available using the ESP32 chip. Boards based on the ESP32 variant offer a high performance dual core SoC.

ESP32 DevKit Boards -- The ESP32 DevKit Boards come in various formats and sizes with WROOM modules and USB adapter. They are supported by the HomeDing library.

ESP32-C3 Boards -- There are several boards available using the ESP32-C3 chip. Boards based on the ESP32-C3 variant offer a "cost-effective" RISC-V based SoC that can replace ESP8266 boards.

ESP32-C3 Super Mini -- The ESP32-C3 Super Mini is a thumb-size board with integrated antenna.

ESP32-C3 micro board with OLED display -- This is very small board based on EPS32-C3 with an 0.42" onboard OLED display and a single NeoPixel.

ESP32-C3 micro board with a round Touch Display -- This board uses a ESP32-C3 processor and has a built-in 1.28 inch LCD Display, a Touch controller and Battery Management.

ESP32-S3 Boards -- There are several boards available using the ESP32-S3 chip. Boards based on the ESP32-S3 variant offer a high performance dual core SoC with vector hardware acceleration and special display interfaces.

ESP32S3 SC01 Plus Panel -- This touch display panel with a 320 * 480 LCD display based on a ESP32-S3 processor. This panel is supported by the [HomeDing BigDisplay Example].

ESP8266 NodeMCU development boards -- The NodeMCU boards are one of the most common development boards. They offer an easy start into the ESP8266 development. The have all you need for programming, offer 4MByte flash memory and a LED on-board.

Esp-12 development board --

LilyGO T-Dongle S3 -- The LilyGO T-Dongle-S3 board has a USB stick layout including a TFT color display, a APA102 LED, a input button and SD card slot.

LilyGO TTGO T-Display -- The LilyGO TTGO T-Display board offer an integrated TFT color display and a USB-C type connector.

Panel ESP32-3248S035 -- This panel is using a ESP32 processor with 4M Flash Memory in combination with a 480*320px 16 bit color display and touch controller. This panel is supported by the [HomeDing Display Example]

Retail Plug and Socket Devices -- There are many devices on the market that use the ESP8266 chip to control main power by internal relays. The [Minimal Sketch](/examples/minimal.md) supports these use cases.

Sonoff Basic (R1) -- The Sonoff Basic is a smart relay off-the-shelf product using a ESP8266 with 1MByte Flash.

Sonoff S20 -- The Sonoff S20 is a smart socket off-the-shelf product using a ESP8266 with 1MByte Flash.

TTGO Gallery (T14) -- The LilyGO TTGO Gallery (T14) board offers an integrated TFT color display, SD Card, 4 buttons and Audio DAC output with amplifier.

-- This board uses a ESP32-C3 processor ...

LilyGO T-Display-S3 -- The LilyGO T-Display-S3 board has an integrated TFT color display **with** optional capacitive touch and a USB-C type connector.

Logging --

Panel ESP32-4848S040 -- This panel is a ready to used wall-mount device based on the ESP32-S3 processor supporting 16M Flash and 8M PSRAM Memory in combination with a 480px * 480px 16 bit color display and touch controller.

Panel ESP32-8048S043C -- This is a bare panel device based on a ESP32-S3 processor with 16M Flash and 8M PSRAM Memory in combination with a 800*480px 16 bit color display and touch controller. This panel is supported by the [HomeDing BigDisplay Example]

Using IO pins of the ESP8266 based boards --

WeAct Studio ESP32-C3 Core -- This board uses a ESP32-C3 processor ...

WeMos ESP8266 board with OLED and 18650 -- This board from WeMos has a OLED display on a ESP-12E module based ESP8266 board with a joystick input, LiIon Battery support and on/off switch.

White Adapter board for ESP8266 -- This 'white' adapter board helps soldering ESP-12 of similar boards in regular breadboards and prototype boards. The signals are straight forward routed from the board to the connectors with some exceptions only:

Wifi Kit 8 Module ESP8266 with OLED -- The Wifi Kit 8 Module ESP8266 with OLED is a ESP8266 with 4k Flash, OLED display and Li-Polymer battery support. It has a slim size and fits well on breadboards.

Witty-Board -- The Witty board offers a ESP8266-12F solution with a RGB LED, a LDR sensor and an input button. It can be used on a breadboard.

Word Clock Example --

XIAO ESP32 C3 -- The XIAO ESP32 C3 is a thumb-size board with external antenna.

XIAO ESP32 S3 -- The XIAO ESP32 S3 is a thumb-size board with external antenna designed for low power consumption.

See also