The XIAO ESP32 S3 is a thumb-size board with external antenna designed for low power consumption.

The Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 board offers a Xtensa 32-bit LX7 dual-core processor, WiFi, Bluetooth LE 5.0 and lithium battery charging management in a thumb-sized compact design. The antenna is connected using a IPEX connector.

The small size of 21 * 17.5 mm and the design for low power makes this board ideal to be embedded in IoT devices.

Product parameters:
Model: Seed Studio XIAO ESP32S3
Main control chip: ESP32-S3
Memory: 8MB PSRAM
Flash memory (chip): 8MB
Analog pin: 9
Processor: ESP32-S3R8, Xtensa LX7 dual core, 32-bit processor, running up to 240 MHz
Wireless: complete 2.4GHz WiFi subsystem, BLE: Bluetooth 5.0, Bluetooth mesh
On chip memory: 8M PSRAM and 8MB flash memory
Interface: 1 UART, 1 IIC, 1 IIS, 1 SPI, 11 GPIO (PWM), 9 ADC, 1 user LED, 1 charging LED, 1 reset button, 1 start button
Power supply: Input voltage (Type C): 5V
Input voltage (BAT): 4.2V
Circuit working voltage (preparatory work):
-Type C: 5V@19mA
-BAT: 3.8V@22mA
Charging battery current: 50mA
Low power consumption model (power supply: 3.8V):
Modem sleep mode:~25 mA
Mild sleep mode:~2MA
Deep sleep model:~14 μ A
Power consumption supporting WiFi: Active model:~100 mA
BLE Enable Power Consumption: Active Model:~85 mA
Working temperature: -40 ° C~65 ° C
Size: 21 x 17.5mm



See Also

