Pages marked with a Work In Progress (WIP) tag
These pages contain information that relates to the boards with the ESP8266 or ESP32 processor.
APA102 Element – The APA102 Element implements using LED Stripes and LED panels based on the apa102 chip and protocol and provides some color animations and transitions.
About using the ESP32 with HomeDing – Links, material and tips for using ESP32 based boards with the HomeDing library.
Ai-Thinker ESP32 Audio Kit – This is an ESP32 based board using the ESP-WROVER-B module supporting audio processing.
Arduino Nano ESP32 – This board is an official Arduino board with the ESP32-S3 chip
Board C3 Mini – This is D1 mini compatible board based on the EPS32-C3 MCU.
Board C3 pico – The C3 pico is a board compatible to the D1 Mini boards and shields using a ESP32-C3 processor and equipped with some special features like a RGB LED, I2C Port and LiPo charging.
D1 Mini Boards (ESP8266 and ESP32) – There are many different mini boards available with differend ESP processors that share the same form factor and connector pin assignments.
DCFTime Element – The DCFtimeElement allows receiving the DCF77 signal that is available in central Europe broadcasting the official central European time.
Digital Sequence Element – The digital sequence Element is used internally for several elements that need to analyze timing sequences and digital signals.
Display Button Element – The DisplayButtonElement enables creating Actions by touching a visual button on a display supporting pixel based graphics.
Display Example – The Display Example contains the extensions to the HomeDing Library that are supporting devices with a pixel based display like LCDs or LEDs.
Display Implementation – The Elements and C++ Classes used for implementing Displays and their dependencies.
Display TouchCST816 Element – The DisplayTouchCST816 Element enables retrieving one point touch events on displays using the Capacitive Touch Sensor based on the CST816 chip.
Display TouchGT911 Element – The DisplayTouchGT911 Element enables retrieving touch events on displays using the Capacitive Touch Sensor based on the GT911 chip.
DisplayBar Element – The DisplayBarElement allows sending a progress indicating value to the display to display it at a specified position as a bar or percentage number. The value can be changed by using an action.
Displays using a GFX Library – Using GFX library
ESP32 Boards – There are several boards available using the ESP32 chip. Boards based on the ESP32 variant offer a high performance dual core SoC.
ESP32-C3 Super Mini – The ESP32-C3 Super Mini is a thumb-size board with integrated antenna.
HTML Templates for Elements – For displaying elements of a HomeDing device on the config and landing pages of the Builtin Web server there are is collection of templates by using a card design available.
LilyGO T-Dongle S3 – The LilyGO T-Dongle-S3 board has a USB stick layout including a TFT color display, a APA102 LED, a input button and SD card slot.
LilyGO TTGO T-Display – The LilyGO TTGO T-Display board offer an integrated TFT color display and a USB-C type connector.
Map Element – The MapElement creates actions based on an in-bound value and range definitions.
Panel ESP32-3248S035 – This panel is using a ESP32 processor with 4M Flash Memory in combination with a 480*320px 16 bit color display and touch controller. This panel is supported by the [HomeDing Display Example]
Panel ESP32-4848S040 – This panel is a ready to used wall-mount device based on the ESP32-S3 processor supporting 16M Flash and 8M PSRAM Memory in combination with a 480px * 480px 16 bit color display and touch controller.
Panel ESP32-8048S043C – This is a bare panel device based on a ESP32-S3 processor with 16M Flash and 8M PSRAM Memory in combination with a 800*480px 16 bit color display and touch controller. This panel is supported by the [HomeDing BigDisplay Example]
RF Bridge Example – This example has a local RFCodes Element to send and receive RF Signals using 433 MHz transmitters and receivers with the <a href="">RFCodes library</a>. Some more Elements help to automate light and switch processes.
Radio Element – The Radio Element allows to control FM radio chips that are connected to the board via i2c bus. The Radio Element is part of the Radio Example.
SCD4x Element for CO2 Sensors – The SCD40 and SCD41 sensors from sensirion are available on breakout boards to meassure the CO2 in the air by providing values in ppm units.
Stripe Element – The StripeElement is used as a base class to control a series of lights, typically LEDs by WRGB Value and Brightness. It is used as a base class for other light elements using a specific chip or protocol.
TTGO Gallery (T14) – The LilyGO TTGO Gallery (T14) board offers an integrated TFT color display, SD Card, 4 buttons and Audio DAC output with amplifier.
TTGO Koala Board – The TTGO T-Koala ESP32 board offers an good breadboard for development of ESP32 based solutions with battery powering.
Waveshare Panel ESP32-S3-LCD-4.3 – This is a ESP32-S3 based board including a 4.3 inch Capacitive Touch Display with 800×480 pixels, 5-point Touch and 16 MByte Flash Memory. with a 800*480px 16 bit color display and touch controller. This panel is supported by the [HomeDing BigDisplay Example]
WeAct Studio ESP32-C3 Core – The WeAct Studio ESP32-C3 Core board offers breadboard compatible connectors and is a good for development purpose.
WoT Element – The Element enables …
XIAO ESP32 S3 – The XIAO ESP32 S3 is a thumb-size board with external antenna designed for low power consumption.
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