RF Bridge Example
This example has a local RFCodes Element to send and receive RF Signals using 433 MHz transmitters and receivers with the RFCodes library. Some more Elements help to automate light and switch processes.
The [RFCodes Element] depends on the RFCodes library that you can find also through the Arduino library manager. Be sure to install it before compiling/verifying/uploading.
- 2 new elements
- not in standard as only used for a gateway
- can receive and send
- needs xxxx library to be installed
- proprietary RF singals can be added
RF sending device
This example shows how to combine the Elements RFSend and Schedule to build a device that you can use to replace a RF sender and also includes some basic scheduling features. In this example you can also find a nice web UI for controlling the configured elements.
RF probing
include input, UI
RF receiving