RFCodes Element

The RFCodes Element is used for sending and receiving RF signals to switching and dimming devices using RF protocols like 433 or 315 MHz.

About using RF 433 based communication

In contrast to WiFi, Tread or ZigBee the 433 or 315 MHz based communication to devices is using a fire-and-forget approach, lacks in getting received handshakes and therefore is unreliable by design.

Also many devices exist that share the same protocol with only a few possible device addresses and can conflict with other devices in the neighborhood.

Be aware that this band is potentially also used by others. More details in German can be found in the thread https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/27660/warnung-vor-433mhz-komponenten.

Summary: Unreliable but cheap.

This also applies to other open band in other parts in the world as the protocol chips can be used for multiple band.

Using RFCodes for sending

The RFCodes library is used by this Element and must be installed.

Picture from remote sender

- Remote Element updated

webproxy configuration

This Element is part of the RFBridge Example and not available in the core library elements. To use this element you can use the RFBridge Example or have to copy it into your sketch folder.

This element is built upon the RFCodes library that needs to be installed before compiling.

This library allows specifying multiple rf codes and their timing and can transmit and receive/decode these codes by using RF433 transmitters and receivers.

Web UI for the RFCodes Element

There is a dedicated card for this element available that shows the last detected code.

Element Configuration

The following properties are available for configuration of the element.

Switchable plugs and dimmers are typically controlled by a ON/OFF code that also can used for UP/DOWN of dim level or moving of shades. Therefore every element supports up to 2 codes that can be send over the RF transmitter.

The following properties are available for configuration of the element:

pin – This property defines the pin that is connected to the RF transmitter.

(codeon - This property specifies the code that is sent when a action with a value > 0 is received.

codeoff - This property specifies the code that is sent when a action with a value == 0 is received.)

Read more about 433 MHz units

You should not use a transmitter or receiver without an antenna as an wire antenna with the correct length makes a huge difference.

The easiest way is to attach a simple wire with lamda/4 length = 17.3 cm.

Or use a helix with a wire of about lamda/8. This is sold with many receivers and transmitters.

You can also build a dipol antenna as shown here: https://crycode.de/diy-433-mhz-dipol-antenne



chip: HS1527 1:31 1:3 3:1



ASK and OOK modulation

See also

RxB8 Receiver


RxB12 Receiver

A receiver based on the chip SYN470R.

It is using a crystal for getting a intermediate frequency so the receiving frequency is very accurate.


±-----------------------------------+ | | ±-±–±-----------±–±—±—±-+ Ant GND VCC Data Data GND

XY-MK-5V receiver

This receiver has a adjustable, resonant circuit that can detect 433 MHz frequencies. A precise crystal is missing and also the receiving quality is poor under several conditions.

See also https://blog.thesen.eu/433mhz-empfaenger-fuer-arduino-co-rxb12-vs-xy-mk-5v/

My assumption: prefer any crystal based receiver.

Receiver Modules


Type VCC Remarks
RxB8 4.5 - 5.5 V Current: 9.6 mA
RxB12 3.3 - 5.5 V Current: 3.8 - 4.1 mA, Best quality for me on ESP8266
RFsrx882 2.4 - 5.5 V

Transmitter Modules

Type VCC Remarks
RFstx882 1.2 - 6 V

433.92 Mhz Key Feature

read also





"ia1": {
  "description": "All-I On",
  "onClick": "rfcodes/0?value=it2 s_#_###__#_#__#_##_#_###_#_#_____x"},
"ia0": {
  "description": "All-I Off",
  "onClick": "rfcodes/0?value=it2 s_#_###__#_#__#_##_#_###_#_#_____x"},

"i3": {
  "onClick": "it2 s_#_###__#_#__#_##_#_###_#__#__#_x",
  "codeOff": "it2 s_#_###__#_#__#_##_#_###_#_____#_x",
  "description": "Light Balcony"
"a1": {
  "onClick": "it2 s_##__##__#__####____##__#__#____x",
  "codeOff": "it2 s_##__##__#__####____##__#_______x",
  "description": "Light balcony 2"
"a2": {
  "onClick": "it2 s_##__##__#__####____##__#__#___#x",
  "codeOff": "it2 s_##__##__#__####____##__#______#x",
  "description": "fountaine"
"a3": {
  "onClick": "it2 s_##__##__#__####____##__#__#__#_x",
  "codeOff": "it2 s_##__##__#__####____##__#_____#_x",
  "description": "spare"
"aa": {
  "codeOff": "it2 s_##__##__#__####____##__#_____#_x",
  "codeOff": "it2 s_##__##__#__####____##__#_#_____x",
  "description": "All off outside"
"d1": {
  "onClick": "it1 B111101111000",
  "codeOff": "it1 B111101111001",
  "description": "spot"

