Examples and Stories
The Homeding library comes with some example sketches but also with some more detailed building stories and educative stories explaining insights and options.
The examples can be used as a starting point for new projects. As the HomeDing Library enables runtime configuration there are many examples on how to configure elements in the Elements descriptions and in the Recipes collection.
The stories provide a full documentation required to build a specific device for a specific need with pictures and extensive step-by-step documentation.
The Examples are installed in the Arduino Environment together with the library and can be found in the examples list of the Arduino IDE. In the Examples description you can also find a short description on how to include/exclude the Elements in a specific firmware.
Standard Example
The Standard Example is a good starting point for building new devices using a ESP8266 based board like the NodeMCU versions or ESP32 based boards and requires 4MByte flash memory at a minimum.
It has most existing elements enabled ready for configuration and also has the files for the embedded web server in the data folder.
Most of the recipes work with this sketch.
Minimal Examples
The Plug and Bulb examples show how to reduce the number of available elements and use only a bare minimum part of the embedded web site so the whole solution fits into a ESP8266 board and devices with only 1 MByte Flash memory like the ESP-01 and of-the-shelf bulbs or sockets.
The Bulb Example includes the elements usable for bulbs to control and drive LEDs like value, switch, state, time, ntptime, scene, light, color, neo, my9291.
The Plug Example includes the elements usable for relays and plug devices including power measurement like
RFBridge Example
The RFBridge Example uses a local element for communicating over RF signals by using 433 or 315 MHz receivers and transmitters to build a special purpose device for bridging between WiFi and RF protocols.
Probe Example
The Probe Example shows how to implement special, local elements that can retrieve sensor data from INA219 and INA266 current and voltage sensors to build a low-voltage power consumption logging device. It can be used with any board that has a 4MByte Flash memory like the NodeMCU boards.
Develop Example
This example is very like the Standard Example but has some add-ons that help during development. It can be used with any board that has a 4MByte Flash memory like the NodeMCU boards.
Webradio Example
The Webradio Example is implemented especially for the ESP32 Wroover with PSRAM to build a Web Radio by using an Arduino library. This Web Radio can be controlled through the embedded web interface.
Radio Example
The Radio example has a local Element to control the features of the Arduino Radio Library that to control many Radio FM receiver chips. The Radio Element is available as part of this example.
Micro Example
This is not a real example but is used to flash small devices with firmware for specific conditions. See also Micro Example Readme
The stories provide a full documentation required to build a specific device for a specific need with pictures and extensive step-by-step documentation.
Building a Simple Sensor device
The Outdoor Sensor Story is about how to build a device that simply captures the air temperature and humidity parameters from a DHT22 sensor by using the low-code Homeding library and provide a graph with latest values.
Building a Air Quality Sensor device
The Air Quality Sensor is about how to build an indoor air quality sensor.
The sensors used here are the BME680 for getting temperature, humidity, pressure and organic gas values and the PMS5003 to get density of the micro particles.
Building a Weather Display
The Weather Display is about how to build a device with a display to show actual weather conditions from a remote sensor and the future weather from an internet service.
Smart control for single and multiple lights
The Smart control for light is about controlling and automating lights in a room like WiFi Bulbs or Floor Lamps switched on and off by a smart plug to light up for a specific need and create an Ambience that fits.