Probe example
This example shows how to implement special, local elements that can retrieve sensor data from INA219 and INA266 current and voltage sensors to build a low-voltage power consumption logging device.
The example can be used with any board that has a minimum of 4MByte Flash memory like the nodemcu boards.
This device is made to probe voltage and current on the power supply of another device for a long time (like days) and log the probe values into a log element to be inspected.
The two sensors supported in this example behave very similar but are different in the register layout and capabilities. Each of them is supported using a specific element and a specific Arduino library. Document on the elements can be found here:
They are doumented
The display is there to see the actual values.
Web User interface
The probe device can be accessed using a standard browser and displays the current values as well as the log from the current measures:
INA219 Sensor
This example adds a INA219 element that retrieves data from the INA219 sensor using the INA219_WE library.
The shown sensor board has a 0.1 Ohm shunt resistor and can meassure event low current values.
In the configuration some options can be modified. They are related to the features of the underlying library.
"ina219": {
"0": {
"title": "sensor",
"description": "Voltage and Current Sensor",
"range": "32",
"samples": "12bit",
"gain": "320",
"warmuptime": "2s",
"readtime": "10s",
"onVoltage": "displaytext/v?value=$v,log/v?value=$v",
"onCurrent": "displaytext/a?value=$v,log/a?value=$v",
"onPower": "displaytext/p?value=$v"
INA226 Sensor
This example adds a INA226 element that retrieves data from the INA226 sensor using the INA226_WE library.
The shown sensor board has a 0.002 Ohm shunt resistor and can measure up to 20 A. When using it for low-current values the resolution doesn’t fit. There are other boards with a different shunt resistor that fits better for low-current measurements.
In the configuration some options can be modified. They are related to the features of the underlying library.
"ina226": {
"0": {
"title": "sensor",
"description": "Voltage and Current Sensor",
"shunt": "0.002",
"range": "1",
"average": "4",
"warmuptime": "2s",
"readtime": "10s",
"onVoltage": "displaytext/v?value=$v",
"onCurrent": "displaytext/a?value=$v,log/a?value=$v",
"onPower": "displaytext/p?value=$v"
In the example the display is used to show the current values from the sensor.
It is configured in env.json. Other supported display can also be used.
"displaysh1106": {
"0": {
"description": "local display",
"address": "0x3C",
"height": 64
In the config.json 3 output text placements are defined to show voltage, current and power measurements:
"displaytext": {
"v": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"postfix": " V",
"description": "voltage"
"a": {
"x": 0,
"y": 12,
"postfix": " mA",
"description": "Ampere"
"p": {
"x": 0,
"y": 24,
"postfix": " mW",
"description": "Power"
You can see in the sensor configuration the actions that are sent to the displaytext elements.
A Log Element is used to capture the current value from the sensor.
"log": {
"a": {
"title": "mA",
"description": "log current",
"averagetime": "00:05:00",
"filesize": "10000",
"filename": "/log-a.txt",
"yformat": "num:2"
"v": {
"title": "V",
"description": "log voltage",
"averagetime": "00:05:00",
"filesize": "10000",
"filename": "/log-v.txt",
"yformat": "num:2"
The log file can hold about 640 values per 10 kByte. Recording a 5 min average probe values that are taken every 10s:
- ina219/0?readtime=10s
- log/v?averagetime=00:05:00
This allows storing about 2-4 days of logging information.