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Pages marked with a Example tag

Bulb Example -- The Bulb Example in the HomeDing library is made especially for WiFi bulbs with the ESP8266 processor inside. These devices only have a small amount of Flash Memory available (1 MByte) for program and web UI storage.

Examples and Stories -- The Homeding library comes with some example sketches but also with some more detailed building stories and educative stories explaining insights and options.

HomeDing - PWMLED Example ??? --

Micro Firmware --

Minimal Sized Example -- The Minimal examples can be used on ESP8266 boards that only have a small amount of Flash Memory (1 MByte) available for program and web UI storage like the ESP-01 board and devices like the sonoff S20 switch, sockets or bulbs.

Plug Example -- The Plug Example in the HomeDing library is made especially for WiFi Plug with the ESP8266 processor inside. These devices only have a small amount of Flash Memory available (1 MByte) for program and web UI storage.

Probe example -- This example shows how to implement special, local elements that can retrieve sensor data from INA219 and INA266 current and voltage sensors to build a low-voltage power consumption logging device.

RF Bridge Example -- This example has a local RFCodes Element to send and receive RF Signals using 433 MHz transmitters and receivers with the <a href="https://github.com/mathertel/rfcodes">RFCodes library</a>. Some more Elements help to automate light and switch processes.

Radio Example --

Standard Example --

Tutorial Example --

WordClock Example --

See also