Plug Example

The Plug Example in the HomeDing library is made especially for WiFi Plug with the ESP8266 processor inside. These devices only have a small amount of Flash Memory available (1 MByte) for program and web UI storage.

Because the flash memory is very limited on these devices the minimal sketch only contains Elements that are used within bulbs. e.g. no sensors and provide the base functionality combined with a set of elements that can be used in the configuration of the device.

See introduction to Minimal Examples.

Included Elements

The elements that are included in this example sketch are those that support bulbs and other light devices like NEOpixel based strip controllers.

You can control what elements are included in the firmware file by enabling or disabling the #define statements for registering the elements in the sketch file.

If you like to know what element are available in a device just ask for the URL http://<devicename>/$elements

