Persisting Current State of Elements

Enable devices to restart with the values and the current state after a reboot or deep sleep.

Usually elements start with the settings given by the configuration files. But in some situations and with some elements the last used working mode or value should be used after a planned (or unplanned) restart of the device.

Example: When a light device like a bulb is starting up it can use the color and brightness values that where used before the restart. These values will be used to overwrite the values from the configuration.

Typically Elements know whether they should support this feature like a power switching device. Other Elements like sensors have no obvious use case for this.

As the value element is also supporting saving the current value as a state it can be used to even save a last known sensor value.

All Elements can save any values by calling the function saveState(key, value) available in the Element base class. To enable saving the current state the property usestate must be set to true.

This information will be used to create an action type/id?{key}={value} on the next element restart before starting the element. This action will then overwrite the configuration or value from the element configuration.

To avoid too much and too frequent storing these key+values the the state mechanism must be configured on the global and the element level.

Elements persisting their state

Elements have to implement saving their current values using the saveState(key, value) function. To enable the values from an element get part of the device state the property useState must be set to true.

  "value": {
    "sw": {
      "title": "Stateful Value",
      "min": "0",
      "max": "100",
      "useState": "true"

Elements may persist a single value or even multiple values in the state.

Elements that change their state very frequently should not persist their values as this will result in much IO on the filesystem that may burn down Flash memory.

Persisting the state of the device

The values from the elements configured with useState flag to true will be collected inside the DeviceState storage.

The global configuration that enables saving it to a permanent media the StateElement can be configured:

savedelay – This value must be given with a duration > 0. After this duration the state will be saved. This should be a value that is high enough to save the current state not too often.

clear – This action will clear out any state values from elements.

In the Element the configuration of the persist property

To avoid too much and too frequent storing these key+values the the state mechanism must be configured on the global and the element level.

  "state": {
    "0": { "savedelay": "8s"}

The values will be persisted using the local file system in a hidden file.

Elements with State

There are multiple Elements that support saving and loading state:

See also

