Home Elements Boards Recipes

Standard Example

The examples in the HomeDing library are used to compile a firmware that provides the base functionality combined with a set of elements that can be used in the configuration of the device.

The standard example can be used with any board that has a 4MByte Flash memory and is a good jumpstart for any project you may have. This example e.G. runs on all the nodemcu boards.

No additional hardware is required to start this example and the Serial interface is used to transfer some internal actions and infos.

Setup the development environment and board

If this is the first time you use an ESP8266 board, some instructions on how to setup your development environment can be found here:

Step by Step setting up a development environment

There are some options in uploading the required software and registration on the network that s described here:

Step by Step Bring your device to work

This includes:

After flashing the software and the web files the web interface is fully functional but not yet configured.

Components for the Standard Example

When using nodemcu board there is a LED on the ESP-12 module and another LED on the board itself. The example uses both. When using different boards an external LED can be used.

Device configuration

The following env.json file can be used as a starting point:


The boot process can show it’s state on a LED. Here the LED(D4) from the ESP-12 module is configured for this purpose.

The FLASH button(D3) can be used to start the config mode manually.

  "device": {
    "0": {
      "name": "homeding",
      "description": "minimal config for http://homeding device",
      "reboottime": "24h",
      "led": "D4",
      "button": "D3"


As a starting configuration the blink recipe can be used when your board is a NodeMCU board with a ESP-12 module the led will blink slowly.

  "timer": {
    "blink": {
      "description": "Timer for testing",
      "type": "LOOP",
      "waittime": "0s",
      "pulsetime": "1s",
      "cycletime": "2s",
      "onvalue": "digitalout/led?value=$v"
  "digitalout": {
    "led": {
      "pin": "D0",
      "invert": "true",
      "value": "0",
      "description": "Builtin LED is on Port D0 = GPIO16"

This configuration can be used as a starting point to implement your own projects.

See also

