ESP8266 NodeMCU development boards

The NodeMCU boards are one of the most common development boards using ESP8266 modules. They offer an easy start into the ESP8266 development as they have all you need for programming, offer 4MByte flash memory and a LED on-board.

There are variants of this board available. I prefer and recommend those with a CP2102 USB-to-USART chip and with a DS1117 regulator that are slim enough to fit on a breadboard.


NodeMCU is an open-source firmware for ESP8266 boards that enables scripting a IOT device using the Lua scripting language.

In general all these boards are exchangeable and can be used as replacements.

There are many derivate versions on the market but usually they follow the published design:

Overview table

GPIO Pin Functionality
GPIO0 D3 Flash Button
GPIO2 D4 Blue LED on module
GPIO16 D0 LED on board

Onboard Momentary Buttons

There are 2 Buttons on the Boards:

Reset – This button pulls the reset pin down to GND.

Flash – This button pulls the GPIO0(D3) pin down to GND. It can be used to manually start the program upload mode when is it pushed while resetting or powering up. Later it can be used for any input purpose as long it is leaving the pin in HIGH input when not used.

Onboard LEDs

There are two LEDs that can be used without any external components:


Vin / VUSB

There is a subtile difference in the nodeMCU bards from vendors regarding the availability and the usage of the 5V power supply.



More to know

If you are most sure what characteristics a board has, try to find pictures and web sites that focus on describing the differences. Most of the boards behave the same.

There are boards that have a bigger PCB board that doesn’t work well with breadboards.

Burned boards

A overload of the 3.3 V output provided by the nodeMCU boards or a temporary shortcut between the GND and 3.3V pins can damage the onboard regulator or the board itself. It happened to me several times.

When only the regulator is damaged you can often cut off the one on the board and use still it by supplying 3.3 volts from an external power source.

After cutting the regulator the USB to serial chip may still work.

Some boards have a diode between the USB 5V line and the onboard regulator that is burned down and can be replaced.

Those boards may also be used by applying external power on +5V and +3.3V pins.

A multi purpose voltmeter is helpful.

System configuration

This env.json file can be used as a starting point for configuring this board type and includes all on-board hardware definitions:

  "device": {
    "main": {
      "name": "nodeding",
      "description": "nodeMCU board config",
      "reboottime": "24h",
      "button": "D3",
      "led": "D4",
      "I2C-SDA": "D2",
      "I2C-SCL": "D1"

  "ota": {
    "main": {
      "port": 8266,
      "passwd": "123",
      "description": "allow Over the Air Updates"

  "ntptime": {
    "0": {
        "ntpserver": "",
        "zone": "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3"

  "ssdp": {
    "0": {
      "manufacturer": "nodemcu"

See also

