Digital Sequence Element
The digital sequence Element is used internally for several elements that need to analyze timing sequences and digital signals.
For some elements it is required to listen to the digital input at the specific GPIO pin for discovering the specific protocol and data.
The DigitalSequence Element records the timings into a ring buffer from the digital signal input by using interrupts. These timings can be picked up and analyzed by the derived element to decode the protocol.
"digitalsequence" {
"d2": {
"pin": "d2",
"buffersize": "180"
pin – The GPIO input pin with the digital signal to be recorded.
bufersize – The size of the capturing ring buffer using 16-bit unsigned integers. A value of 180 will result in 360 bytes to be allocated.
Recording in the Background
The Element will automatically start with the recording and can be restarted using the “start” action.
Because the data from the buffer will be picked up by the loop function of the element it is required to have enough space in the buffer to collect data for about 500 to 1000 msec.
When the buffer is full the recording will end automatically and the status will be set to overflow
This is realized by using interrupts on the specific pin. Because interrupts are using static functions there is the delimitation that only one element of this kind is supported in a device.
The size of the ring buffer and some debouncing functionality can be configured.
minTime - this time is the minimal time that is recorded in the ring Buffer. When the signal bounces the short timings are added to the next recorded time.
maxTime - this time is the minimal time that is recorded in the ring Buffer. When the signal bounces the short timings are added to the next recorded time.
ideal timing diagram
timing with bounces
timing with multi bounces
spike bounces
noise bounces
long time no signal
- debounce list DL[2]
- len
on edge:
calc delta
if (delta > max) delta = max;
start = now;
<!-- add to debounce list (DL). -->
if (len == 0)
DL[0] = delta.
len = 1
if (len == 1) and (DL[0] > minTime) and (delta > minTime)
// shift out regular timing
DL[0] = delta.
len = 1
if (len == 1) and (DL[0] > minTime) and (delta < minTime)
// = spike bounce or noise starts.
DL[1] = delta
len = 2;
if (len == 2) and (DL[0] > minTime) and (DL[1] < minTime)
// = spike bounce finished or noise
// add to the current[0] timing.
DL[0] = DL[0] + DL[1] + delta
set DL-Length = 1;
if (DL[0] > maxTime)
len = 0
the debounceTiming will set.
calc delta (interim)
if (delta > max) && (len > 1)
// shift out all
len = 0
start = now;
Using recorded data
There are elements that can decode the signal. These elements derive from the Digital Sequence Element and can access the ring buffer with the raw input data.
static function hasData() -> (ring has data) static function count() -> (# items in ringbuffer) static function peek() -> get oldest timing static function pop() -> get oldest timing and remove static function peek(1) -> get oldest timing + 1
See also
- NTPTimeElement
see also DCF Time Element