HTML Templates for Elements
For displaying elements of a HomeDing device on the config and landing pages of the Builtin Web server there are is collection of templates by using a card design available.
By accessing the Web UI of a HomeDing device all relevant and configured Elements are displayed by using a copy of the corresponding HTML template and feeding all configured and current attributes into the placeholders…
There are 2 versions of these templates available:
- Inside the file
all implemented templates can be found that support visualization and configuration of the elements that are part of the minimal examples plug and bulb and usually used in ESP8266 1M flash devices. - Inside the fie
all existing templates can be found that visualize all kind of elements. They also support configuration of the elements using the configuration dialogs.
Implementing a Template
header body
<div class="col card" u-control="log" u-is="log" microID="${id}">
<div class="block header">
<img src="/i/log.svg" class="icon" />
<h4 u-text="description"></h4>
<span class="activeState" u-active="active"></span>
<span class="setconfig"></span>
<div class="block">
<object data="lineChart.svg" type="image/svg+xml" style="width:360px;height:136px"></object>
Min version
<div class="col card" u-control="schedule" u-is="generic" microID="/schedule/0">
<div class="block">
<h4 u-text="description"></h4>
<span class="activeState" u-active="active"></span>
<div class="form-group">
<span u-text="ontime"></span>
<div class="form-group">
<span u-text="offtime">..</span>
<span class="u-bool ux-value" u-active="value"></span>
<div class="block config Element"></div>
Full version
<div class="col card" u-control="schedule" id="${id}" u-is="generic" microID="${id}">
<div class="block header">
<img src="/i/${type}.svg" class="icon" />
<h4 u-text="description"></h4>
<span class="activeState" u-active="active"></span>
<span class="setconfig"></span>
<div class="block">
<div class="form-group">
<span u-text="ontime" />
<div class="form-group">
<span u-text="offtime" />
<span class="u-bool ux-value" u-active="value"></span>
<div class="block config Element">
<div class="form-group">
<input u-value="ontime" type="time" step="60" class="text-right" style="width:6em;padding-right:0.2em" />
<div class="form-group">
<input u-value="offtime" type="time" step="60" class="text-right" style="width:6em;padding-right:0.2em" />