Map Element

The MapElement creates actions based on an in-bound value and range definitions.

The values given by sensors or other input elements are often not directly usable for feeding them into actions. The value itself needs to be classified and sometimes different actions need to be sent.

Examples are:

The map Element provides the list of rules that apply when the inbound value is in the specified range of the map rule.

Finding the matching rule

Every map rule consists of a min and max range configuration that is compared against the incoming value. The list of rules is processed from the beginning to the end and when a range is found that contains the incoming value the rule is selected for processing.

Because the min attribute defaults to 0 it is possible to configure the max attribute only when the rules are given in ascending order.

See Example 1.

The input value can either be compared by a numeric or a string data type.


The attributes on the matching are used to create actions. When a value is specified the value is taken into the actual value. When no value is given the incoming value is used.

Then the onValue actions on the rule are sent.

Then the onValue actions on the map Element are sent.

Example 1

This example works on an incoming temperature and creates a green color for good values:

  "map": {
    "t": {
      "description": "light color based on temperature.",
      "onValue": "light/t?value=$v",
      "rules": [
          "max": "16",
          "value": "blue"
          "max": "22",
          "value": "green"
          "value": "red"

Same with actions on the rules level. In the status the original inbound value will be reported

  "map": {
    "t": {
      "description": "light color based on temperature.",
      "rules": [
          "max": "16",
          "onValue": "light/t?value=blue"
          "max": "22",
          "onValue": "light/t?value=green"
          "onValue": "light/t?value=red"

This example also shows how to simplify the min and max attributes. When not specified they default to the infinity min and max. The ranges all overlap but the intended rule-set works because always the first matching rule will be selected.

Element Configuration

The following properties are available for configuration of the element:

type - “string” or “numeric” value comparison. numeric is default.

onValue - These actions will be emitted when ever a new resulting value is found.

rules - This property configures the list of mapping rules. It must be in the order from lowest to highest.

rules[n].min - set the lower bound of the range.

rules[n].max - set the upper bound of the range.

rules[n].equal - set the lower and upper bound of the range.

rules[n].value - the new value applied when rule fits the inbound value.

rules[n].onValue - These actions will be emitted when the rule was selected.

From the base element implementation the following properties are available for configuration:

title – Caption text for the element. Used by the element specific cards on the dash boards.

description – A line of text that gives a short description of the device used in the web UI.

room – The location of the device.

loglevel – This property holds the element specific log level. The default value is LOGGER_LEVEL_ERR == 1.

startup – This property can be used to start the element using a different initialization phase. Possible values are “sys”, “net”, “time”. See The Startup sequence.

Example using mapped values

This example configuration enables using a numeric value (e.g. from a switch) into 2 color values used for a RGB LED.

  "map": {
    "colors": {
      "description": "select a color based on a numeric value",
      "onValue": "light/l?value=$v",
      "rules": [
          "equal": "0",
          "value": "red"
          "equal": "1",
          "value": "green"
  "light": {
    "l": {
      "loglevel": 1,
      "pin": "D8,D6,D7",
      "value": "x203050"

Example by mapping actions

  "map": {
    "m": {
      "title": "map-action",
      "description": "send actions based on a value-action",
      "rules": [
          "max": "0",
          "onValue": "digitalout/up?value=0,digitalout/down?value=0,switch/down?value=0,switch/up?value=0,timer/rst?stop"
          "max": "1",
          "onValue": "digitalout/down?value=1,digitalout/up?value=0,switch/down?value=1,switch/up?value=0,timer/rst?start"
          "max": "2",
          "onValue": "digitalout/down?value=0,digitalout/up?value=1,switch/down?value=0,switch/up?value=1,timer/rst?start"

Element State

The following properties are available with the current values at runtime

active - Is set to true when the element is active.

value - Current output value of the element.

Example State

  "map/colors": {
    "active": "true",
    "value": "red"

