WeAct Studio ESP32-C3 Core

The WeAct Studio ESP32-C3 Core board offers breadboard compatible connectors and is a good for development purpose.

The ESP32-C3 processor is a single-core SoC based on the open-source 32-bit RISC-V architecture.

WeAct Studio ESP32-C3 Core

Arduino Board Configuration

The Arduino Board Manager supports this board by installing the esp32 by espressif package. It can be used with the following settings:

Momentary Buttons

There are 2 momentary buttons on the board. 1 of them is pulling the BOOT GPIO09 pin to ground and one is connected to the EN and will reset the processor.

Boot = IO9 Reset = Chip_EN

There is no external pull-up resistors on the board so the internal pullup resistors of the ESP32-C3 must be enabled.

System configuration

This env.json file can be used as a starting point for configuring this board type.

  "device": {
    "0": {
      "name": "weactc3",
      "title": "WeAct ESP32-C3",
      "description": "WeAct Studio ESP32-C3 Core",
      "loglevel": "2",
      "logFile": "1"
  "ota": {
    "0": {}
  "ntptime": {
    "0": {
      "zone": "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3"

  "state": {
    "0": { "savedelay": "8s" }
  "digitalin": {
    "boot": {
      "title": "Boot button signal",
      "pin": "9",
      "invert": "true",
      "pullup": "1"

See Also

