About using the ESP32 with HomeDing
Links, material and tips for using ESP32 based boards with the HomeDing library.
The HomeDing library is compatible to the ESP32 Arduino environment.
Specific to ESP32 are the following features:
Usually there are no other names for the GPIO pins and GPIO numbers from the processor descriptions are used.
An exception is the Arduino Nano ESP32 having printed pin numbers that differ from the GPIO numbers.
The Touch Element allows using the ESP32 built-in touch features on the GPIO pins.
The MY9291 Element only works with ESP8266 by the used library.
See also
Boards Overview from espressif:
ESP32 specific topics
ESP32 Arduino Core documentation:
The ESP32 uses partitions to structure the flash memory. The Arduino environment supports a fixed layout that cannot be changed easily.
Setup the development with Arduino:
A ESP32 specific troubleshooting guide with so me helpful tips on how to setup the dev environment.
Setup Espressif IDF
Auto Upload Probelms
Uploading a new firmware via the USB interface does not work fully automatically on some boards as expected. This is caused by a timing problem with the EN signal (RST).
If you can upload by using the manual reset sequence (Press Boot, Press and release EN, Release Boot) adding a 10µF capacitor to EN and GND may help.
![ESP32 on breadboard with EN capacitor]
Blogs and Infos
- esp32 DevKits 30, 36 and 38 pin versions with WROOM module
- ESP32 Camera Module
- esp32 azure iot kit