Panel ESP32-3248S035
This panel is using a ESP32 processor with 4M Flash Memory in combination with a 480*320px 16 bit color display and touch controller. This panel is supported by the [HomeDing Display Example]
This device is supported by the [HomeDing Display Example].
Arduino Configuration
- Board: ESP32 Dev Module
- CPU: 240 MHz
- Flash: 4MB
- Flash Mode: DIO
- PSRAM: disabled
#define TOUCH_SDA 33 #define TOUCH_SCL 32 #define TOUCH_INT 21 #define TOUCH_RST 25 #define TOUCH_WIDTH 320 #define TOUCH_HEIGHT 480
"board": "espressif:esp32:esp32",
"configuration": "JTAGAdapter=default,PSRAM=disabled,PartitionScheme=default,CPUFreq=240,FlashMode=dio,FlashFreq=80,FlashSize=4M,UploadSpeed=921600,LoopCore=1,EventsCore=1,DebugLevel=none,EraseFlash=none"
The following components are available on the board:
- ESP32
- LCD ST7796 320 * 480 px using SPI bus
- LCD Backlight on IO27
- GT911 Touch Controller using i2c bus
- SD card
- IO34 – Light sensor
- Reset button (RST)
- Boot button (GPIO0)
There is a RGB Led above the display using 3 GPIO pins as input.
Color | Pin |
Red | GPIO4 |
Green | GPIO16 |
Blue | GPIO17 |
Light Sensor
A Light sensor with a LDR is populated to the board and connected to pin GPIO34.
Using the Analog Input Element the value can be read and mapped to the range of display brightness.
The configuration below maps the raw analog values to the brightness of the background light.
From my testings a value of 20 is usable in low light situations and a value of 80 fits to normal indoor situations:
"analog": {
"ldr": {
"pin": 34,
"readtime": "500ms",
"mapInMin": "0",
"mapOutMin": "80",
"mapInMax": "200",
"mapOutMax": "20",
"constrain": "true",
"onvalue": "DisplayST7796/0?brightness=$v"
LCD and Touch Display
The Display is based on the ST7796 driver chip with a 320*480 display.
For Touch events there are 2 versions available.
- The capacitive GT911 based version.
- The resistive version.
Configuration can be found below.
SD Card
The SD card is available at the standard SPI bus of ESP32. The
SD Card Element can be used to extend the filesystem
and to mount the sd card file system on the /sd
function | ESP32 pin |
CS | GPIO5 |
SPI-bus | VSPI |
Device configuration
This device configuration can be used:
"device": {
"0": {
"name": "panel480",
"title": "ESP32-3248S035",
"description": "320*480 Touch Panel from JCZN",
"loglevel": "2",
"button": "0",
"xled": "16",
"logfile": 1,
"safemode": "false",
"homepage": "/board.htm",
"cache": "max-age=600",
"i2c-SDA": "33",
"i2c-SCL": "32"
"ota": {
"0": {}
"ntptime": {
"on": {
"zone": "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3"
"diag": {
"0": {}
"light": {
"l": {
"pin": "4,16,17",
"mode": "pwm",
"invert": "true",
"enable": "true",
"value": "x000000"
"color": {
"l": {
"title": "RGB",
"loglevel": 2,
"config": "RGB",
"mode": "fix",
"duration": "4s",
"value": "x000000",
"brightness": "50",
"connect": [ "light/l" ]
"analog": {
"ldr": {
"pin": 34,
"readtime": "500ms",
"mapInMin": "0",
"mapOutMin": "80",
"mapInMax": "200",
"mapOutMax": "20",
"constrain": "true",
"onvalue": "DisplayST7796/0?brightness=$v"
"DisplayST7796": {
"0": {
"height": "480",
"width": "320",
"color": "black",
"border": "black",
"background": "xccccff",
"lightpin": 27,
"bus": "hspi",
"spidc": "2",
"spics": "15",
"spiclk": "14",
"spimosi": "13",
"spimiso": "12"
"DisplayTouchGT911": {
"0": {
"address": "0x5D",
"resetpin": "25",
"interruptpin": "21"
Download of supporting files is available at, Download passwort: jczn1688