The XIAO ESP32 C3 is a thumb-size board with external antenna.

The XIAO ESP32 C3 board using the ESP32-C3 processor is a very small sized board that can easily be flashed and comes with a connector for an external antenna.

The ESP32-C3 processor has a 32-bit single core RISC-V CPU running at max. 160MHz and 400KB SRAM memory. Bluetooth LE is supported.

There is no antenna on this board and the external antenna that is shipped with the board or any other 2.4 GHz WiFi antenna with a common I-PEX connector must be connected for using any WiFi or Bluetooth functionality. An external antenna usually provides outstanding RF performance compared to on-board antenna solutions.

As there are no additional power consuming components on this board it fits good for battery based use cases. It has a onboard lithium battery charging chip to recharge using the USB-C connector.

LiPo charging

There is a battery connector using solder pads available on the bottom of the board to attach a Li-Ion Battery. The charging using the USB power. A on-board LED will indicate the charging mode. There is no further interface or API for control. .

Arduino Board configuration

The ESP32 Board Manager in the Arduino environment has a dedicated board type XIAO_ESP32C3 (esp32) that fits to this board. No further setting is required.

For compiling with the Arduino CLI the following board settings can be used:

"board": "esp32:esp32:XIAO_ESP32C3"
"configuration": "CDCOnBoot=default,PartitionScheme=default,CPUFreq=160,FlashMode=qio,

System configuration

The following env.json file can be used as a starting point for the configuration of this board and includes all definitions for the on-board hardware:

  "device": {
    "0": {
      "name": "xiaoc3",
      "title": "XIAO ESP32C3",
      "description": "XIAO_ESP32C3 board",
      "loglevel": "2",
      "logFile": "1"
  "ota": {
    "0": {}
  "ntptime": {
    "0": {
      "zone": "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3"
  "state": {
    "0": { "savedelay": "8s" }
  "digitalin": {
    "boot": {
      "title": "Boot button signal",
      "pin": "9",
      "invert": "true"

See Also

