ESP32S3 SC01 Plus Panel

This touch display panel with a 320 * 480 LCD display based on a ESP32-S3 processor. This panel is supported by the HomeDing BigDisplay Example.


This board is equipped with:

There are connectors on the board supporting RS485, Speaker and GPIO.

The Board is manufacured by Smart Panlee with id ZX3D50CE08S-USRC-4832.

Arduino CLI Configuration

For compiling with the Arduino CLI the following board settings can be used:

"board": "esp32:esp32:esp32s3"
"configuration": "JTAGAdapter=default,PSRAM=enabled,FlashMode=qio,FlashSize=16M,LoopCore=1,EventsCore=1,

LCD Display

The ST7796UI based Display can be used by configuring the DisplayST7796 Element.

The configuration is provided below.

Display Touch

The Touch controller FT6336U is used in this panel and can be used by configuring the DisplayTouchFT6336 Element.

This FT6x36 variant supports up to 2 touch points.

The configuration is provided below.

SD Card

The onboard SD card slot using standard SPI data transfer is supported by the SD Card Element

The specific chip-select pin is attached to GPIO41.

The configuration is provided below.


The configuration in the env.json file setting up all integrated hardware and common elements:

  "device": {
    "0": {
      "name": "sc01panel",
      "title": "SC01-Plus",
      "description": "SC01 Plus Panel",
      "loglevel": "2",
      "logfile": 1,
      "safemode": "false",
      "homepage": "/board.htm",
      "cache": "etag",
      "i2c-SDA": "6",
      "i2c-SCL": "5",
      "spi-scl": "39",
      "spi-miso": "38",
      "spi-mosi": "40"
  "ota": {
    "0": {}
  "DisplayST7796": {
    "0": {
      "busmode": "lcd8",
      "ips": 1,
      "width": "320",
      "height": "480",
      "resetpin": 4,
      "lightpin": 45,

      "color": "black",
      "border": "black",
      "background": "#cccccc"
  "DisplayTouchFT6336": {
    "0": {
      "width": "320",
      "height": "480",
      "rotation": "0"
  "sd": {
     "0": { "title": "SD Card", "cspin": "41" }

See also

