Sonoff S20

The Sonoff S20 is a smart socket off-the-shelf product to switch main power consumers. It is using the ESP8266 CPU and 1 MByte Flash and can be used with the Minimal Example.

Sonoff S20

Sonoff ITEAD is a brand for several off-the-shelf Smart Home WLAN devices like switches that use the ESP8266 chip.

The Minimal Example can be flashed onto his device to support a remote switch with options for time based switching.

GPIO usage

GPIO# Component Usage
GPIO13(D7) LED LED (green), (0 to switch on).
GPIO0(D3) button button, can also be used for start flashing
GPIO12(D6) relay+LED relay and LED(blue), (1 to switch on).


Example env.json configuration

This configuration registers the device with the name “sonoff01” on the networks and enables using the button during boot for starting into the configuration mode.

  "device": {
    "0": {
      "name": "sonoffs20",
      "description": "Sonoff S20 plug",
      "homepage": "/ding.htm",
      "led": "D7",
      "button": "D3"
  "ota": {
    "0": {
      "port": 8266,
      "passwd": "123",
      "description": "Listen for 'over the air' OTA Updates"

Example config.json configuration

This configuration allows switching the relay using the button and showing the relay state using the LED.

  "digitalin": {
    "button": {
      "pin": "D3",
      "invert": 1,
      "pullup": 1,
      "onLow": "switch/relay?toggle=1"
  "switch": {
    "relay": {
      "value": 0,
      "onValue": "digitalout/relay?value=$v"
  "digitalout": {
    "relay": {
      "pin": "D6",
      "invert": "false"

See also

