SI47xx FM / Multiband Radio Tuner

The SI47xx is a series of radio chip from SiliconSilicon Labs, now Skyworks for receiving and transmitting FM stereo radio signals and other Bands.

The SI47xx radio chips are available in several variants. The following variants are supported (and where tested) with the Radio Library:

It supports the following features:

SI4721 Module from sparkfun

The si4721 radio chip was tested and adopted using the board from sparkfun you can find here:

This chip also supports sending FM signals, there is a special example ‘TransmitSI4721.ino’ to show this functionality. in the radio library but is not supported by the Radio Element.

SI4730 Module NE928

The NE928 Module is available with different SI47xx chips variants. This one is mounted with a si4730 version.

The pins assignment of the module is:

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With some capacitors for the audio output and vcc and pull up resistors for the I2C bus it can be controlled using the Radio Library and the Radio Element.

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See also

