Time Elements

Several elements are related to the current local time. These are bundled together as the time related elements.

For using a real local time on a device the HomeDing library supports

The ESP boards to have a system timer that keeps and updates a local time with a accuracy that is acceptable for some hours. However this timer needs to be initialized every time the system reboots and must be adjusted every some hours to keep it accurate.

accessing and adjusting the local time

The NTPTime Element retrieves the current time from a NTP server and can translate it into the local time by using to local timezone setting. Devices that can reach a NTP internet service can use this option.

After a reboot the elements that require a accurate local time will not start working when the NTP time request fails. As this can happen it is not an option for devices that must operate even when the internet is not available like heating systems.

The DSTime Element retrieves the current local time from a local attached RTC Chip like the DS3231. After a reboot the time will be restored from the chip. This is a good option for devices that must operate even when the internet is not available like heating systems.

Using time in element implementations

Because timing is required by many Elements the time and real-time feature is directly supported by the board class.

The Time Element send actions with the actual local time as a value. This can be used e.g. to display the current time on a display.

The Schedule Element send on and off actions based on the actual local time. This can be used e.g. to switch a light.

The Alarm Element sends a single action when the configured alarm time passes. This can be used e.g. to start a wakeup procedure.

The Timer Element is not working based on a local time and creates timer (duration) based actions. This element can be used even when no current local time is known to the device.


The getSeconds() method in the board class returns the full seconds since starting the device.

Because most of the timings are based on seconds this method can be used as the timing reference for emitting events when real time is not required.

Using the getSeconds function is preferred over using (millis() / 1000).


When a real time is available this method return the seconds since starting the day. It returns 0 when the real time is not available.

To use this functionality a NTPTime Element or DSTime Element needs to be configured.


When a real time is available this method returns the milliseconds since 1.1.1970 a usual binary format for times in C++.

To use this functionality a NTPTime Element or DSTime Element needs to be configured.

See also

