Blink Recipe

This recipe uses 1 LDR sensor to implement a touchless on/off switch.

The LDR is used to create a analog signal that can be captured using the Analog Input element.

Using your hand or a finger you can darken the actual LDR so the analog input value drops below a reference value.

Using the onlow action from the Analog Input element a Switch Element is triggered to create a digital on/off signal.

The digital signal from the switch is given to an Digital Output element to show the actual on/off value using a LED.


  "analog": {
    "0": {
      "reference": "450",
      "onlow": "switch/s1?toggle=1"
  "switch": {
    "s1": {
      "description": "switch on/off",
      "onvalue": "digitalout/led?value=$v"
  "digitalout": {
    "led": {
      "pin": "D4",
      "invert": "true",
      "value": "0",
      "description": "Builtin LED on GPIO2(D4)"

See also

