Color Display based on ST7735

The DisplayST7735Element enables using ST7735 based TFT color displays.

The support of colorful LCD / TFT displays like the ST7735 based displays is done with the help of the Adafruit GFX library.

The Adafruit libraries for displays support a broad range of displays that all share a common graphics library to draw graphic primitives that supports 1 and 16 bit values per pixel. 16 bit Colors are coded using a 565 bit color scheme, enough for text and graphics with selected colors.

Displaying pictures with rich color depth is somehow limited by this design decision but may LCD displays anyway do not support more tha this.


The Display ST7735 Element supports all parameters to configure these displays.

The system wide SPI bus is often used for these displays and it must be configured in the Device Element.

The complete list of parameters can be found in the Displays Description.

Examples of configuration are available in the board descriptions that you can find in the “See Also” section at the end.

Reset pin

Some displays support a hardware based reset signal that can be controlled by a distinct GPIO output signal. The resetpin can be configured and will be used by the display adapter or driver to initialize the display.

Dimming the display

Some displays support to control the background light by using a distinct GPIO output signal. The brightness pin can be configured and will be used by the display adapter or driver to control the brightness of the display.

Displays based on TFT technology need a background light. This is often available on a GPIO pin and may be dimmed using PWM output.

Rotating the Display

Displays are often part of boards and are used in various rotations.

The rotation can be configured using the values 0, 90, 180 and 270 and will be used to initialize the display adapter or driver.

Display Resolutions

All resolutions supported by the Arduino_GFX library can be used.

See also

The ST7735 display chip is used by the following boards:

